February MPD Made Simple: Email Update, Update 2025 Budget, MPD Plan Discussion with Supervisor. Log completed actions.

Partner Essentials

MPDX is now Partner Essentials. Subscribe to start using it.

For years, Cru has generously provided the MPDX platform and hosted Navigator staff data; however, Cru will no longer provide MPDX to non-Cru missionaries. We have spent many months researching alternatives that would make the transition to a new platform as simple and painless as possible, including field testing with a group of staff. Conclusion: We partnered with Solertiae, a reliable company who has created an exact replica of MPDX called Partner Essentials, to give you an easy transition to a new platform and the best user experience.

Partner Essentials is completely identical to MPDX in functionality. If anything’s different, it’s just the logo! Partner Essentials stores your data, provides customer service, and will offer new features down the road.

Partner Essentials costs $9 per month. We are doing everything possible to keep this fee as low as possible so staff can afford to use the platform to maintain healthy ministry partner relationships and funding. 

If you decide to use Partner Essentials, find subscription information here.

Subscribers access Partner Essentials through their NavOffice hub. Once subscribed, you’ll log in to NavOffice using your single sign-on username and password, click on Partner Essentials from the hub, and access your ministry partner data.


Please refer to the FAQs below for more information.


Cru has hosted MPDX and ministry partner data for years, but they have recently chosen not to offer the platform to non-Cru missionaries. This is due mostly to the insurance liability of storing data for myriad non-profits, including The Navigators. To clarify, there have not been any data breaches whatsoever.

You must first subscribe to Partner Essentials through the NavOffice store. See sign-up instructions here. Subscribers access it through their NavOffice hub. You’ll log in to NavOffice using your single sign-on username and password, click on Partner Essentials from the hub, and access your ministry partner data.

If you choose not to use Partner Essentials, your ministry partner data will remain dormant within Partner Essentials after the data migration unless you choose to subscribe. Additionally, you will no longer be able to access your MPDX data, since The Navigators no longer supports it. We highly encourage you to subscribe to Partner Essentials instead.

Yes. Partner Essentials is the only ministry partner management platform that will sync with our donor management system. TntConnect or MPDX will not sync with Partner Essentials nor our donor management system (SFC).

When questions or issues with Partner Essentials arise, please email gethelp@solertiaelabs.com. The Solertiae team is highly capable and specialized and will quickly address your concerns. Additional help can be found at gethelp.solertiaelabs.com.

No. We recommend using Partner Essentials, because it is the only platform we sync with our donor management system (SFC), giving you an up-to-date and accurate picture of your giving information, including your ministry partner contact information. TntConnect and MPDX is not synced with our donor management system.

Partner Essentials is a great investment to maintain ministry partner communication and funding. However, if the monthly fee is a concern, please contact mpd@navigators.org. While we cannot cover monthly fees for staff, we can give you a plan and individualized guidance to help you fully fund your ministry—including administrative costs like Partner Essentials.

Yes. CARM has approved Solertiae’s cybersecurity. Read Solertiae’s privacy policy at

After extensive research, staff input, and testing, we concluded Partner Essentials would be the best platform for our staff. It’s secure, and it’s identical to MPDX. It also offers a single sign on.

We’re also excited that Partner Essentials offers a help center! Any time you have questions or need help, contact Partner Essentials (gethelp@solertiaelabs.com or gethelp.solertiaelabs.com), and they will help you one-on-one…and quickly!

Each month an automated process will withdraw $9 from your cost center. This transaction will show in the “Withdrawals” section of your Nav account in SFC. 

No. The Navigators has already transferred your data from MPDX to Partner Essentials for you. All you need to do is subscribe to Partner Essentials through the NavOffice store and once you have access, you’ll find your data in there. 

After subscribing, you’ll log into NavOffice using your Nav ID single sign-on credentials. You’ll then see the Partner Essentials app. You may have to scroll down to find it in your hub towards the bottom if you don’t see it at the top. Click on it just like any other app you use and it’ll pull up your account from there.

The monthly charge is withdrawn from your account on the day you originally subscribed of each month. 

Yes. The data transfer will include everything that was in your MPDX account prior to the transfer date, including any notes you added. 

If you use TntConnect, you probably received an email on October 9, 2023 inviting you to continue using their service. Please disregard that email—especially because some of its information is inaccurate for Navigator staff. The Navigators recommends using Partner Essentials. We have no data connection from our donor management system (SFC) to TntConnect.

Additionally, if you used MPDX, but have not made the switch to Partner Essentials when it launched, you may have received emails from MPDX asking you to reset your password to access your account. Please ignore these and any future emails you receive from MPDX. Our agreement with Cru was to cut off staff access to MPDX once the switch to Partner Essentials happened, so our staff no longer have access to MPDX and we no longer support help for it. It was deemed a cybersecurity risk to continue letting our staff use it by CARM.

We understand the change to Partner Essentials may feel sudden and disheartening. We care about you and your ministry of partner development. The MPD team and the Partner Essentials team will do everything we can to support you through this platform transition should you choose to use it.

Contact mpd@navigators.org with questions or comments.

MPD Help Desk: Questions

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Translated Resources

Making Small Group Appeals

Unsure of how to make a fundraising presentation and ask to a small group? Start here!

Making Church Appeals

Unsure of how to ask churches to partner with you? Start here!

Fundraising with STEER

STEER is a fundraising program that helps eliminate the hurdles many farmers and ranchers face in partnering with missions staff.


MPD On Demand: Fundraising 101

This is a virtual fundraising course in LearnUpon designed for new staff. This is usually applicable for staff as a portion of their on-boarding process, but if you think it’s the right fit for you, please email us and we’ll get you enrolled. 

If you’re current staff looking for an overview of fundraising, check out MPD On Demand: Fundraising Refresher. 

MPD On Demand: Fundraising Refresher

If you’re looking for a refresh on your MPD training, this is the way to go! This course is an overview of the entire fundraising process from the set-up call through following up. The link below will take you to a virtual self-enrolled course in LearnUpon. You won’t be assigned a coach or trainer and there’s no required homework, just potential action steps for you to take as you jump back into fundraising! 


This program is right for you if...

you are a current staff needing to raise $500+ in new monthly support and can dedicate 10 hours per week for 10 weeks to raising support. 

  • 2 weeks preparing for MPD activity (warm-up), 10 weeks expanding your ministry partner team and raising new monthly support, and 1 week to bring follow-up calls to a close (cool-down)
  • Coaching, resources, accountability, and encouragement from trained MPD coaches
  • Motivation and camaraderie as you raise support with fellow Navigator staff


This program is right for you if...

you are a current staff needing to raise $500+ in new monthly support and can dedicate 20 hours per week for 5 weeks to raising support. 

  • 2 weeks preparing for MPD activity (warm-up), 5 weeks expanding your ministry partner team and raising new monthly support, and 2 weeks to bring follow-up calls to a close (cool-down)
  • Coaching, resources, accountability, and encouragement from trained MPD coaches
  • Motivation and camaraderie as you raise support with fellow Navigator staff